Going Above & Beyond For Clients

Personal Injury Legal Support

With decades of experience, Barry J. Diamond acknowledges the profound impact that significant injuries can have on your life. His firm supports Baltimore residents as an advocate for personal injury victims. With a dedication to delivering honest advice and simplifying the compensation process, attorney Barry Diamond is a reliable ally throughout your legal journey.

Baltimore Personal Injury Attorney For Decades

Attorney Diamond began practicing personal injury law in Baltimore for decades and formed his solo practice, Barry J. Diamond P.A., in 2014. He has handled hundreds of personal injury cases involving virtually all types of accidents, including:

  • Car accidents
  • Truck accidents
  • Nursing home abuse and neglect
  • Incidents of medical malpractice, such as negligent misdiagnosis and birth injuries
  • Premise liability, including slip-and-fall accidents and negligent security
  • Product liability

Each case is approached with the highest level of care and dedication, ensuring that the client’s rights are vigorously defended. Attorney Diamond is a true trial lawyer who has won several million-dollar verdicts in court. While he always seeks a fair out-of-court settlement, he will not pressure you to accept a bad deal just to avoid trial.

Why You Should Never Talk To The Insurance Company Yourself

Insurance companies often prioritize their own financial interests over your needs as a customer in trouble. They use several strategies to minimize payouts to protect their profits. Attorney Diamon cautions clients against talking with the insurance adjuster without legal representation. He is skilled in negotiating with these companies to secure a compensation package that truly reflects the extent of your losses.

Ensuring Adequate Compensation

The financial implications of a personal injury can be overwhelming. Barry J. Diamond P.A. is committed to ensuring that clients’ compensation comprehensively addresses their needs, which may include:

  • Medical care and surgeries
  • Hospital bills
  • Rehabilitation services
  • Nursing home costs
  • At-home nursing care
  • Necessary medical equipment
  • Lost income
  • Funeral and burial expenses (in tragic circumstances)

The firm relentlessly advocates for clients’ entitlement to a complete recovery in health and financial stability.

Get Started On Your Personal Injury Case

Individuals who have experienced a personal injury are urged to take swift action to safeguard their rights. Barry Diamond offers compassionate and professional guidance to those in need. Potential clients can reach out to his firm today to arrange a complimentary consultation by calling 410-885-1861.